Case Study
YEG Gymnastics
What a fun project! When the founders told me about their dreams and ideas for YEG Gymnastics, I couldn't help but be swept along in the vision. YEG Gymnastics was a top-secret project for over a year while I walked with them through funding rounds, business plan development and long-term strategy implementation. As a result, the founders had a strong sense of pulling their brand into every touchpoint of the business. We worked diligently to ensure colorization was on point, messaging was correct, and building materials matched the aesthetic we were working towards. We couldn't be happier with the outcome, becoming Canada's first fully color-coordinated competitive gymnastics gym!
Logo and Brand Development
Business Plan Development
Fractional Work with Venture Captial Funding Groups
Consulting with total gym planning a build-out
Consulting with custom equipment development
Website Design + Development
Print Collateral
Digital Collateral
Photoshoot & Video Production
Influencer Marketing
Social Media Strategy and Training
(Click images to enlarge)